CS520 01 Advanced Computer Architecture -- spring, 2019


General Information


        Jiang B. Liu, jiangbo@bradley.edu
        Professor of Computer Science & Information Systems
        Phone: (309) 677-2386
        CS220 Computer Architectures
        3:00pm-4:15 pm, Tue, Thurs. at BR 180
Office Hours:
        2:30-4:30pm Mon, Wed; 1:30-3:00pm Tue, Thurs. at BR 177
        or by appointment.

Course Materials

Topic Schedule

This is a graduate course in computer architecture for computer science and computer information systems majors and minors. The goals of the course are to provide students with a foundation of advanced computer architecture, both tightly coupled parallel models and distributed parallel models. Focus is on implementation issues and parallelization of algorithmic tasks.

Unit 1

 1. Fundamentals of Quantitative Design & Analysis

- Defining of Computer Architecture.

- Trends in Technology.

- Quantitative Principles of Computer Design.

Ch. 1

Unit 2

2. Memory Hierarchy Design.

- Memory Technology and Optimizations.

- Virtual Memory and Virtual Machines.

- The Design of Memory Hierarchies.

- Memory Hierarchies in ARM Cortex-A8 and Intel Core i7.

Ch. 2

Unit 3

3. Instruction-Level Parallelism and Its Exploitation.

- Concepts and Challenges.

- Advanced Branch Prediction.

- Dynamic Scheduling.

- Advanced Techniques for Instruction Delivery and Speculation.

Ch. 3

Unit 4

4. Data-Level Parallelism in Vector, SIMD, and GPU Architectures.

- Vector Architecture.

- SIMD Architecture.

- Graphics Processing Units.

- Detecting and Enhancing Loop-Level Parallelism.

Ch 4

Unit 5

5. Thread-Level Parallelism.

- Centralized Shared-Memory Architecture.

- Performance of Symmetric Shared-Memory Multiprocessors.

- Distributed Shared-Memory and Directory-Based Coherence.

- Synchronization.

Ch. 5

Unit 6

6. Warehouse-Scale Computers to Exploit Request-Level and Data-Level Parallelism.

- Programming Models and Workloads for Warehouse-Scale Computers.

- Computer Architecture of Warehouse-Scale Computers.

- Cloud Computing: The Return of Utility Computing.

Ch. 6

Unit 7

7. Domain Specific Architectures.

- DSAs, Deep Neural Network.

- Google’s Tensor Processing Unit, an Inference Data Center Accelerator

- Microsoft Catapult, a Flexible Data Centre Accelerator

- Pixel Visual Core, a Personal Mobile Device Image Processing Unit

- CPUs vs GPUs vs DNN Accelerators.

Ch. 7


There will be three homework assignments.

All assignments are due in the class on the due day.
Later homework will have 10% subtracted from the score for every late day.


·         Assignments:                     30%

·         Class Attendance:             10%

·         Test01:                              10%

·         Test02;                              10%

·         Final Exam:                       40%
(Final date will be announced later)


(100-90 A; 89-80 B; 79-70 C; 69-60 D; below 60 F)


This class home page is also posted at "http://hilltop.bradley.edu/~jiangbo/" and will be used to post the assignments and other class information.
You are also encouraged email me about your questions related to the course or share related information with the class.