CS505 Advanced Topics in Databases -- Spring 2002


General Information

Jiang B. Liujiangbo@bradley.edu

          Professor of Computer Science & Information Systems
Phone: (309)677-2386
CS405 Database Management Systems
or equivalent
1:30-2:45pm, T, Th, at BR30
Office Hours
M,T, W, Th from 3:00-4:30 pm at BR103a.

Course Materials



This is the second course in database systems for computer science and computer information systems majors and minors. The goals of the course are to provide students with broadened database topics such as advanced SQL features, query optimization, and transaction management, and advanced querying and information retrieval topics such as OLAP, Data warehouse, and Data mining. All the major database systems such as relational, object-based, distributed, parallel, and intelligent database systems will be discussed and compared in this class.
Unit 1 Review of relational database systems 
- relational database system architecture 
- E-R model and UML 
- More SQL features 
- Integrity and Security 
- Relational Database Design
Ch. 1-7
Unit 2 Advanced database topics 
- Query optimization 
- Transactions 
- Concurrency Control 
- Recovery Control
Ch. 13-17
Unit 3 Object-based databases 
- Object-oriented databases 
- Object-relational databases 
Ch. 8-10
Unit 4 Database system architectures 
- Distributed databases 
- Parallel databases
Ch. 18-20
Unit 5 Advanced database topics 
- E-commerce 
- Data warehousing 
- Data mining
Ch. 21-23
Unit 6 Case studies 
- Oracle 
- IBM DB2 
- Microsoft SQL Server
Ch. 25-27


There will be three group projects. Each group (three to four students) will share the same grade. All assignments are due in class on the due day. Later homework will have 20% subtracted from the score for each late day.


  • Assignments: 60%
  • Final Exam:   40%

  • (90-100 A; 80-89 B; 70-79 C; 60-69 D; below 60 F)


    This home page, "http://bradley.bradley.edu/~jiangbo/, will be used to post assignments. You are also encouraged to send me email about your questions related to the course or share related information with the class.