CS412610 03             Assignment 2: Computer System and Network Security Technologies
Due on 4/13/2010

Do either problem 1 or 2.

Problem 1:


Develop a computer security project and present it in the 2010 Student Scholarship Exposition on

    Friday, April 9, 2010 in the Markin Student Recreation Center.

You need to submit the project abstract before March 9th

(Please talk to the instructor to select the project if you choose to do it.)

Problem 2:

Install and run the Hacking Exercises from the textbook.

1. Install the Apache web server and PhP on the Linux machine in Brd 180.

(Ask your instructor for the super user login and password.)

2. Install and run the following hacking exercises:

- extremeinsecure: explore the server-side scripting vulnerability

- XSS: Cross-Site Scripting attacks

- Script attacks: Server-side Scripting attacks

All the documents and code are included in Hack_Exercises.zip

Assignment hand in policies

Write a Microsoft Word report to describe the process and result of your project.

Email your project report (and screen shots for your run results) to the instructor and

give a 20-minute presentation on your project in the class on the due day.