CS106 Introduction to Programming and Computer Science
-- May Interim 97


General Information


Jiang B. Liu, jiangbo@bradley.edu

Professor of Computer Science & Information Systems

Office Hours

M-F 8:00-9:00am
(or by appointment)

Lecture Times

9:00am-11:45pm, M-F, in BR305


No formal prerequisite, but some experience with computers and programming is helpful.

Course Materials


This is the first course in computer programming for computer science and information systems majors and minors. The goals of the course are to introduce the fundamentals of programming and computer science, to introduce the topics of object-oriented programming technologies, and to teach the basics of computer programming skills.
The programs will be coded in C++ and compile and run in Borland4.5 C++ compiler.


Programming assignments will be announced later in the class.
All assignments are due in class on the due day.



You are also encouraged to send me email about your questions related to the course or share related information with the class.

This course description is accessible as an HTML (hypertext markup language) file on the WWW (World Wide Web) with the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) http://bradley.bradley.edu/~jiangbo/. It will be updated with additional information, such as programming assignments, as the course progresses.

This document last modified May 15, 1997.