Here is a function which returns true if the argument is a list of atoms:

(defun ISLAT (L)


((null L) T)

((atom (car L))(ISLAT (cdr L)))

(T F)



Here is a function to check if atom A is a member of list L:

(defun member (A LAT)


((null LAT) F)

((EQ (car LAT) A) T)

(T (member A (cdr LAT)))



Here is a function to remove an atom from a list:

(defun rember (A LAT)


((null LAT) ())

((EQ (car LAT) A) (cdr LAT))

(T (cons (car LAT)(rember A (cdr LAT))))



A function to return a list of the first elements of each sublist in a list of lists:

(defun firsts(L)


((null L) ( )) (T (cons (car (car L)) (firsts (cdr L))))



A function to insert NEW after the element OLD in the list L:

(defun insertR (OLD NEW L)


((null L) ())

((EQ (car L) OLD) (cons NEW (cdr L)) )

(T (cons (car L) (insertR OLD NEW (cdr L))))



A function to substitute first occurence of OLD for NEW in list L:

(defun substitute (OLD NEW L)


(null L)())

(EQ (car L) OLD) (cons NEW (cdr L)))

(T (cons (car L) (substitute OLD NEW (cdr L))))



An example of a Do-loop:

(defun dolength (L)

(do (M L (cdr M)) (sum 0 (sum++)))

((NULL M) sum)



(defun dolength(L)

(do ((M L)(sum 0)

((NULL M) sum)

(setq M (cdr M))

Setq sum (1+sum))))


Finding length of a list as a PROG program:

(defun proglength(L)

(prog ((sum 0))


(cond ((null L)(return sum)))

(setq sum (1+sum))

(setq L (cdr L))

(go again)))



(defun add_book(bookref title author publisher)

(setf (get bookref 'title) title)

(setf (get bookref 'author) author)

(setf (get bookref 'publisher) publisher)

(setq library (cons bookref library))



(defun retrieve_by (property value)

(setq result nil)

(do ((L library (cdr L)))

((NULL L) result)

(cond (EQ (get (car L) property) value) (cons (car L) result))))